Monday, October 12, 2009


In the beginning of human verbal communication, as we evolved from the stray grunts and postulations, languages came to be. The ability to communicate in structured forms easily reproduced by others allowed for instruction to be passed from one generation to another. As in all things made by humans, there is a skill level. Those with the highest skill level in language are the scribes. The only one higher than the scribe is the priest or; the keeper of law or tales, the messenger, he who has the word of god. The tales were used to teach the legend or history of the tribe. How did we get here? What is our purpose? For each tribe and group of people, the tale was slightly different depending on the conditions of their survival. But we all have a tale. It is the legend of your blood line. It is the word in your flesh.
The question is….. Which Tale is your tale? How many of the legends have you acquired? How many stories have you read? There are an infinite number of stories. The difference is in the telling. It was once told, that the tales were once sung. They were the Psalms, and the Songs of Solomon, The tones of Khufu, as well as others .You must find yourself in all stories. There is a character in each story that you read that makes you say, that could be me. Once you know the possible characters you could play, you can find your specific sequence of opportunities. Not everyone can be the quarterback. Don’t waste your life trying to be the quarterback when it is your job to be the score keeper. Each of us comes to this world with a specific mission to complete. Unfortunately we get so caught up in living another’s life that we miss our own calling.
Who am I? That is how you begin. Look in the mirror and ask who am I? Most of us don't know ourselves. We barely know what we've become by the time it is necessary to ask this question. It was once given to us to exclaim “I am somebody”! We were pressed to be able to say that. Go! Find yourself, become somebody. How many like what they became? How many had an adequate amount of information or the necessary opportunity to make an educated attempt at that quest. Many chose the most available characterization offered at the time. There are many mothers and fathers that would rather not be. There are many doctors and lawyers who don't truly care about truth or healing. How many of those individuals that we allow to hold our lives in balance, are in positions they give little care for. Each of us must take 100% responsibility for our existence.

Many have stood face to face with their parent at one point in time screaming “I didn’t ask to be born.” Unfortunately they couldn’t be farther from the truth. Each of us chose to come here. It is scientifically proven that the average male releases hundreds of thousands of spermatozoa during each ejaculation. Only one makes it to fertilize the egg. If that is not a conscious and active choice to exist, I don't know what is. So, stop complaining about your choices of poor consciousness. If you thought God gave this to you for free, think again. Only a devil would think that 30 days is the same as cash. It took God 7 days to set it up, which left him seeking rest. It was made Sabbath and hallowed, so that you might remember. For Our sins, he gave his son that, even in our ignorance, we might still be saved. Yet, we wish to be free of pain and suffering. We are being allowed to exist. No matter how one chooses to see it, there are many situations and diseases presented for our downfall. Each of us should be aware of the choices and situations we find ourselves faced with each day. It would be very comforting to think, we actually know what it is that we are doing from moment to moment. In actuality, we merely respond to impulses that are presented to us at any given cycle. As in any skilled event, practice and training become relevant to the individual who intends to master their being. We must not merely react to situations, but become educated and pro-active in our own reasoning. We must know our true needs, compared to our wishes and wants. If we live for the outer worlds we will find ourselves easily led astray. Find yourself, your true self. For some, this will be harder than for others. Some of us have so many creations of ourselves, it will be hard to find which of them are the true self. The longest journey begins with the first step. Who Am I?

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