Tuesday, October 13, 2009


For all things are equal, in the fact that they exist. Energy, though constant, changes form and frequency. Though all things are possible, the probability of control is most times negated. The equation must balance for the appearance of functionality. For all things are equal, in the fact that they exist.
All that exists in the universe is embedded in a fabric of gravitational influences. These cause revolutionary cycles, which perpetuate motion throughout the dimensional spheres. What goes around truly does come back around. The question is; is it the same as when you left it? The answer is always No. That is why you must take care how you live. Have you ever played the game where you whisper in one person’s ear and they pass the message around till it comes back to you? Well life is the same way. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and expect them to do unto you as you have done unto them. This is a good focusing mantra. For as a person thinks so are they. Or my favorite, I think, therefore I am, therefore, I am whatever I think I am. If you take the time to calculate your thoughts you may find that the price of your life is more than you can pay.
If you think it, it is already done, at least in the realm of thought. Do not think that thought has no weight or measure. Whatever you think only lacks initiative to become an act. So learn to weigh your reason. Or simply think before you act. In this day of “Gotta Get Mine”, we don't take the time to sit and contemplate our actions, or the resulting future that will be born from them. You must remember that reality is created from our dreams and imaginations. Humans have dreamt of flight for thousands of years. Many were killed as heretics for these thoughts. It only took two brothers with money and daring to make these dreams a reality. Now, flight is a boring concept to this generation. What if no one ever thought of flight, medicine, government? Thought is the seed, the cornerstone to all that exists, with thought comes the sound and the action.
You must take care on what you allow your mind to focus. Whatever is in your daily focus will be part of your life. You must be careful of what concepts are in your daily speech. You must weigh your words with more accuracy than you weigh your thoughts. Your thoughts are fairly safe from public opinion. What you say however is not. It does not matter how you practice, plan, or prepare, “what goes in a man defiles not the man, but what comes out is from the heart.” You cannot speak what is actually on your mind. The synapse processes travel at the speed of light. In speaking, you attempt to convert light energy into sound waves. Much of the energy, and relevant information, is lost in the translation. Don't let your mouth write a check your flesh can't cash. It's not always what you say, but how you say it. Or, more importantly, who you say it to.

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