Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it! A wish is merely an opportunity that you are not willing to invest your purest potential in seeing through to fulfillment. Unfortunately, as you think the words of your wish, the accompanying images of the myriad possible solutions to obtain the desired outcome, resolve the necessary parameters for such an event to exist. This merely leaves your active involvement for it to reach fruition. Most people spend their lives with countless anxieties over what ifs, and if only statements. The only thing that can truly keep you down, the only thing that renders you unsuccessful is your own self-limitations. Who knows better, what you are actually capable of than you. I don't care who it was in your life that caused you to believe that there are things you cannot do. They lied! There is nothing in the universe that can't be done. The question is merely probability. For most people, if I asked them if they could pull a school bus with just their own strength, this second, the answer would be no. Take the same person after two years of strength training and the probabilities change. The question now is not can you do this or that thing, but are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
They say it is necessary to believe in the human spirit. I say, there is no such thing as a human spirit. There is much documentation on the animal spirit. Again, much information exists concerning a human soul. Which, I assume is why there is a necessity to believe in the myth of the human spirit. People, in general, are lazy. That is why we all get caught in the trappings of convenience. Everyone wants to be king for a day. The family vacation is one of the most alluring temptations offered to legitimize most democratic governments, “The pursuit of happiness”. We all want a moment in time, where we can put our feet up and be waited on by others. Customer service is the backbone of most industries. Unfortunately, time has shown it was always the greatest servant that proved to be the best king.
How many truly wish to serve. Most people abhor positions of servitude. We'll serve as long as we are promised some dividend on our service. That's not service, that is a job. It is this ignorance that causes most failures. Service is free. It should be freely given, and be received with similar graciousness. Many people fail to receive service adequately. This, in turn, causes spiritual friction. Every nuance in existence has a corresponding corrective measure. How does one ride a see-saw by one's self......Balance! It all comes down to weights and measures. Everything has a price and the ledger is balanced heartbeat by heartbeat. Life is not promised. Death is the only absolute. Karma is to be feared.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


For all things are equal, in the fact that they exist. Energy, though constant, changes form and frequency. Though all things are possible, the probability of control is most times negated. The equation must balance for the appearance of functionality. For all things are equal, in the fact that they exist.
All that exists in the universe is embedded in a fabric of gravitational influences. These cause revolutionary cycles, which perpetuate motion throughout the dimensional spheres. What goes around truly does come back around. The question is; is it the same as when you left it? The answer is always No. That is why you must take care how you live. Have you ever played the game where you whisper in one person’s ear and they pass the message around till it comes back to you? Well life is the same way. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and expect them to do unto you as you have done unto them. This is a good focusing mantra. For as a person thinks so are they. Or my favorite, I think, therefore I am, therefore, I am whatever I think I am. If you take the time to calculate your thoughts you may find that the price of your life is more than you can pay.
If you think it, it is already done, at least in the realm of thought. Do not think that thought has no weight or measure. Whatever you think only lacks initiative to become an act. So learn to weigh your reason. Or simply think before you act. In this day of “Gotta Get Mine”, we don't take the time to sit and contemplate our actions, or the resulting future that will be born from them. You must remember that reality is created from our dreams and imaginations. Humans have dreamt of flight for thousands of years. Many were killed as heretics for these thoughts. It only took two brothers with money and daring to make these dreams a reality. Now, flight is a boring concept to this generation. What if no one ever thought of flight, medicine, government? Thought is the seed, the cornerstone to all that exists, with thought comes the sound and the action.
You must take care on what you allow your mind to focus. Whatever is in your daily focus will be part of your life. You must be careful of what concepts are in your daily speech. You must weigh your words with more accuracy than you weigh your thoughts. Your thoughts are fairly safe from public opinion. What you say however is not. It does not matter how you practice, plan, or prepare, “what goes in a man defiles not the man, but what comes out is from the heart.” You cannot speak what is actually on your mind. The synapse processes travel at the speed of light. In speaking, you attempt to convert light energy into sound waves. Much of the energy, and relevant information, is lost in the translation. Don't let your mouth write a check your flesh can't cash. It's not always what you say, but how you say it. Or, more importantly, who you say it to.

Monday, October 12, 2009


In the beginning of human verbal communication, as we evolved from the stray grunts and postulations, languages came to be. The ability to communicate in structured forms easily reproduced by others allowed for instruction to be passed from one generation to another. As in all things made by humans, there is a skill level. Those with the highest skill level in language are the scribes. The only one higher than the scribe is the priest or; the keeper of law or tales, the messenger, he who has the word of god. The tales were used to teach the legend or history of the tribe. How did we get here? What is our purpose? For each tribe and group of people, the tale was slightly different depending on the conditions of their survival. But we all have a tale. It is the legend of your blood line. It is the word in your flesh.
The question is….. Which Tale is your tale? How many of the legends have you acquired? How many stories have you read? There are an infinite number of stories. The difference is in the telling. It was once told, that the tales were once sung. They were the Psalms, and the Songs of Solomon, The tones of Khufu, as well as others .You must find yourself in all stories. There is a character in each story that you read that makes you say, that could be me. Once you know the possible characters you could play, you can find your specific sequence of opportunities. Not everyone can be the quarterback. Don’t waste your life trying to be the quarterback when it is your job to be the score keeper. Each of us comes to this world with a specific mission to complete. Unfortunately we get so caught up in living another’s life that we miss our own calling.
Who am I? That is how you begin. Look in the mirror and ask who am I? Most of us don't know ourselves. We barely know what we've become by the time it is necessary to ask this question. It was once given to us to exclaim “I am somebody”! We were pressed to be able to say that. Go! Find yourself, become somebody. How many like what they became? How many had an adequate amount of information or the necessary opportunity to make an educated attempt at that quest. Many chose the most available characterization offered at the time. There are many mothers and fathers that would rather not be. There are many doctors and lawyers who don't truly care about truth or healing. How many of those individuals that we allow to hold our lives in balance, are in positions they give little care for. Each of us must take 100% responsibility for our existence.

Many have stood face to face with their parent at one point in time screaming “I didn’t ask to be born.” Unfortunately they couldn’t be farther from the truth. Each of us chose to come here. It is scientifically proven that the average male releases hundreds of thousands of spermatozoa during each ejaculation. Only one makes it to fertilize the egg. If that is not a conscious and active choice to exist, I don't know what is. So, stop complaining about your choices of poor consciousness. If you thought God gave this to you for free, think again. Only a devil would think that 30 days is the same as cash. It took God 7 days to set it up, which left him seeking rest. It was made Sabbath and hallowed, so that you might remember. For Our sins, he gave his son that, even in our ignorance, we might still be saved. Yet, we wish to be free of pain and suffering. We are being allowed to exist. No matter how one chooses to see it, there are many situations and diseases presented for our downfall. Each of us should be aware of the choices and situations we find ourselves faced with each day. It would be very comforting to think, we actually know what it is that we are doing from moment to moment. In actuality, we merely respond to impulses that are presented to us at any given cycle. As in any skilled event, practice and training become relevant to the individual who intends to master their being. We must not merely react to situations, but become educated and pro-active in our own reasoning. We must know our true needs, compared to our wishes and wants. If we live for the outer worlds we will find ourselves easily led astray. Find yourself, your true self. For some, this will be harder than for others. Some of us have so many creations of ourselves, it will be hard to find which of them are the true self. The longest journey begins with the first step. Who Am I?